This ABC’s American Medical Drama TV series show has been entertaining all of its fans over the past 15 years. The show is infamous for killing off a lot of its major characters, which makes it interesting. Yeah, you’re right, I’m talking about Grey’s Anatomy. So here’s a mind blowing quiz for y’all. Here’s the thing: Meredith and Derek were playing this game and they too were stuck in between and need help. So help them clear this awesome game. Let us know, who clears the quiz through comments.
Question of
Which of these is a “Grey’s Anatomy” spin-off?
Good Medicine
Private Practice
The Good Doctor
Question of
Before saying goodbye Cristina compares Meredith to what?
Question of
Which of these nicknames is not suggested for McSteamy?
Question of
What is the last line Meredith says to Derek before he’s taken off life support?
Come back
Dereck, please
We’ll be fine.
Question of
When Meredith’s underwear is pasted to bulletin board, what does the sign say?
See Bailey
Lost and found
Is it yours?
Question of
Who’s the last intern to confess to cutting the LVAD wire when Izzie tries to save Denny ?
Question of
What’s the last line said in the first episode? A tough one, right?
You were a surgeon
Thanks, Mom
Nice to meet you, Derek
Question of
Why did the gunman shoot at Seattle grace?
He was a serial killer
His wife died and wanted revenge
He was mentally ill
Question of
Why did Teddy and Henry get married?
So that Henry’s son could use her medical insurance
Henry needed Teddy’s kidney
Henry needed a green card
So that Henry could use her medical insurance